Искусство макияжа (MakeUp Arts) MUA

(MakeUp Arts) MUA Искусство макияжа
(Body Art),(Bodypainting) Искусство боди арта
The best artists and make-up artists in the world.
Every day new photo shoot.
(Лучшие художники и визажисты мира.
Каждый день новая фотосессия)

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Bright makeup step by step

Bright makeup, Part 1.
looks great technique smoky Aes or cocktail style.
Bright make-up is used mainly in brown hues or shades of color of cocoa.
These colors can be uniquely bright.
The ability to be a woman of talent and ability to inspire - a problem every woman.
The best eye makeup only for themselves can only be found by experiment. ...
Very bright eye makeup in the photo.яркий макияж

Friday, July 24, 2015

Arabic makeup

Arabic makeup part1
Collection of photos of beautiful girls showing bright, Arabic, Oriental eye makeup.
Arabic makeup (50 из 52)

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